Identifying Parapsicephalus purdoni.

So figured it was about time I produced a palaeontological blog post for my blog with palaeo in the title, and what better topic for me to cover/shill than my recent paper into the taxonomy of the British pterosaur Parapsicephalus purdoni (just in case anyone reading this isn’t one of the fraternity, you can pronounce … Continue reading Identifying Parapsicephalus purdoni.

Going Digital: Digimon Tri Movie 1: Sakai (Reunion)

Note: Due to the fact it’s what I’ve been seeing in the subtitles and I can’t be arsed reprogramming my brain, I will be using the Japanese names here. I justify this by the fact the U.S. dub is its own unique entity of gloriousness and I don’t have to interbreed them and shut up! … Continue reading Going Digital: Digimon Tri Movie 1: Sakai (Reunion)